Thursday morning I wake up very early. At three thirty (nine thirty Central European Time) I can’t sleep anymore. After some reading and dozing off, I get out of bed at five o’clock. I have plenty to prepare, so I open my computer. Yet, the first thing I do is research how to get to Niagara Falls. This world-famous natural wonder, on the Niagara River flowing from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario, is a must-see. I figure out that I need to drive west on Highway 5 and then turn right onto Highway 62. That will take me with a big curve to the heart of Niagara Falls and the parking lots at Niagara Falls State Park.

On the way, I pass various shops, malls, and shopping areas, so I buy a bag of whole grain bagels, some bottles of drinks, and a sealed container of roast beef at Walmart. It’s four degrees Celsius outside, so it should stay fine. Eventually, I drive through the town of Niagara Falls and see the mist rising in the distance. This is mist rising from the waterfall, which makes me very curious. I arrive at half past nine, so it can’t be crowded yet. I quickly find a parking spot, and for $10, I can park there all day. I walk past the visitor center and head to The American Falls, where people are standing at a fence taking pictures. I join them and take some photos and, of course, a selfie. Yet, I’m not satisfied and see that the plateau protrudes a bit further ahead, so I head there. Here, I have a full view of the waterfall, and it’s truly impressive. Then there’s also the observation platform that extends about fifty meters above the river. For $30, I could go on ‘The Maid of the Mist,’ a tour boat that takes you to The Horseshoe Falls and gets you soaking wet in the mentioned mist. I decide not to do this, but for $1.25, I can go up to the observation platform. The cashier also tells me that I can take the elevator down and walk from there to Cove Nest near the waterfall. On the observation platform, I have a truly spectacular view, and I stand there enjoying the spectacle for a while. From the platform, I can already see down below that I probably can’t reach Cove Nest; it seems closed off. After taking the elevator down and a short walk, it turns out to be indeed closed off. So, I take a nice walk to Goat Island for a view of The Horseshoe Falls. The amount of water flowing down here is enormous, and honestly, the view is a bit disappointing. It’s cloudy, so there’s little light on the waterfall, and the sun doesn’t seem to come out anymore. The mist also doesn’t make the eventual photos any better. Nevertheless, it’s still a spectacular experience.

All in all, I walked about six kilometers and spent about two and a half hours. Then, I visit some souvenir shops and gradually head back to Buffalo. Niagara Falls, the town itself, is not impressive at all. There are hardly any old buildings, and what is old and run-down certainly aren’t historic buildings but rather dilapidated houses.

In the afternoon, on the way back to Buffalo, it’s time for some shopping at JCPenny, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Walmart, etc. Around four o’clock, I’m back in my room and decide to go for a run. Now, I mentioned it was four degrees Celsius… Running in my tracksuit against a freezing east wind is not advisable. The wind immediately hits my lungs, and of course, I have to stand in the cold waiting to cross at a busy intersection. Eventually, I manage to endure this for a little over two kilometers and decide to turn back. The slightly over two kilometers back go a bit better since the wind is at my back. Almost at my hotel, I stop by a good coffee shop that I discovered and get a large cup of hot tea to take back to the hotel room.

After a warm shower and some healthy takeaway food, I spend the rest of the evening in my room, preparing for the weekend.

Best, as always…
Coach Dankmar

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